Trust in Government: Do we base it upon Governmental action or inaction?

When we in the U.S. have a new President, a new administration, come into office, a lot of people are watching to see what happens.  Will this President and his staff be more or less interested in the well-being, the health of the general populace or will they just be another place holder in the line of succession of Governmental servants of big money?  Of course, every new administration presents something different.  Different positions on the issues of immigration and abortion are two perpetual distractions.  However, since JFK was so brutally removed from office there has been an ongoing movement within Governmental activities toward wars, extravagant military spending, along with legislation and policies most favorable to the wealthiest few among us.  The past few decades have also brought us a number of domestic events, which the official explanations of have raised lingering questions among critical, reasoning, knowledgeable people.  A few such events are the assassinations of JFK, MLK and RFK, the Sept. 11, 2001 WTC attack.  There are a lot more.

The lack of satisfactory official reports/explanations for such culturally important events, events which have significantly affected the overall culture of our nation and the lives of everyone in it, raises questions about the level of trust we the people should have in those persons putting such questionable explanations forward.  This pattern also raises doubts about the integrity and the agendas of those in positions of high office who do not concern themselves with restoring and/or maintaining the public trust by honestly addressing the many lingering, sound questions.

Which brings me to the main reason I’m writing this.  It is to say that we as responsible, concerned citizens and human beings, in our assessments of the veracity and loyalties of our elected officials, need to look at what they aren’t doing with as much critical awareness as we put into looking at what they are doing.  The things that go undone indicate as much about the agendas and priorities of those in elected office as the things they take action on.

That being said, here are a few of the things clearly not receiving Governmental action.  Items which if addressed would go a long way to indicate to the general public that the agendas and priorities of those in high elected office are consistent with the best interests of the general population.

  1. More stringent, effective prevention of toxic substances in our water, food, air and the merchandise being sold in our stores.
  2. More regulatory control over prices especially in the area of fundamental necessities such as medical care, health insurance, housing, food, utilities.  In general, we should not turn our nation into an anything-goes feeding ground for predatory corporations.
  3. Disclosure of all information relevant to the culturally significant issues of the past and present for which satisfactory, complete and conclusive explanations have not been forthcoming.
  4. The utilization of our national wealth to address domestic issues which reflect a definite and effective prioritization of the health and well-being of the citizens of the United States.  Actions which show a healthy respect for the well-being of the populace in both their aims and the processes used in implementing them. 
  5. A cessation of the practice of retaliatory attacks by Governmental officials and agencies upon whistleblowers who are bringing to light truths regarding covert and illegal conduct on the part of our Governmental officials and agencies.  Conduct which the public should be aware of in order to participate effectively as responsible citizens within our democratic republic. 

We need a Government in which our officials and agencies embody a primary value of service to the general citizenry.  The sanctity of the trust of the general public should be one of the highest priorities within Governmental function.

It is time we address the underlying pandemic of our age.

We are in the midst of a pandemic. Not COVID nor a new viral concoction those disposed to do so may be devising. It is a pandemic of mental/spiritual origin and effect. The infectious, destructive condition I’m referring to has been with us for millennia. It is a condition, a dis-ease if you will, which leaves many of those affected languishing in the belief that the “physical” world is our primary, if not our only reality. Or, others affected often see fit to engage in overly self-centered, sometimes brutal, schemes for personal gain. Schemes which ignore the damage such thoughts and actions are doing within our underlying spiritual reality. Damage which sooner or later expresses itself within our “physical” reality.

Above I put “physical” in quotation marks because, as with light waves which we can only see a certain portion of the full spectrum of, our physical reality also extends beyond the denser forms and actions we’re all accustomed to dealing with in our day to day lives. It extends into finer, more ethereal, spiritual aspects of our reality which those who are infected with the mental condition leading to the denial of this reality apparently find beyond their perception. Or possibly they have some perception of it but for reasons having to do with their enculturation choose to ignore such perceptions. Yet inescapably we affect and are affected by the finer, more ethereal aspects of our reality.

This condition, which results in a narrow window on our world, is a mental/spiritual condition which many seem to accept as part of the price for being a “good citizen” of a materialistic, competitive culture.  I wonder how many people are receiving treatment both in outpatient and inpatient settings simply because they found themselves perceiving and finding reality and meaning within some of the forms and actions within the more ethereal aspects of our reality? How a person reacts to perceiving things outside the realm of what their culture may regard as normal is often determined by whether or not they primarily regard the world with an attitude of fear or an attitude of faith.

It is when we are able to stretch out our perceptions more fully into the finer, more ethereal/spiritual aspects of our existence, our reality, that we can discover many blessings and abilities which remain out of our reach when too many daily stressors push us into a withdrawn, shut-down state of being. When fear and anxiety are intrusive into our lives, we tend to draw in, to shut down some of the higher functioning parts of our mind, our being. This loss of so much of the potential richness of our lives is one of the cruelest of the collateral damages within a culture of competition.

We see so much cruelty, so much inhumanity resulting from people holding an attitude of fear, avarice, intolerance, that it is easy to be deceived into believing that these ways of relating to the world are the underlying, inescapable reality of our existence on Earth.  They aren’t.  Love is the underlying reality.  However, when unguided by compassion and sound reason, even love can produce perverted, destructive actions. Such as when, as I have seen it expressed, we “love things and use people instead of loving people and using things”.  Or when we love the experience of our own being yet choose to callously disregard the experiences of others.

Creating a culture of fear is relatively easy.  Engage in violence, do things which blatantly and glaringly or subtly and insidiously injure people. Engage in actions which engender distrust.  Use political/economic schemes with armed legions of enforcers to take away and control the goods and freedoms of the general population of entire nations (even your own).  Those involved in the thinking patterns and behaviors which lead to the creation of cultures of fear are following their most self-centered, self-serving impulses with little or no concern for the effects which their actions impose upon, or evoke within others.   

Creating a culture of love, compassion, and understanding is a harder task.  The desire to do so usually is preceded by the awareness that we are all interrelated. For one thing, we are all a part of the environment which all other people live within. However, when we learn more about the energy/spiritual reality of our lives we understand how we are quite literally interconnected on an energetic/spiritual level. Someday I imagine there will books written about the effects each person’s spiritual energy contributes to our spiritual environment. We now know beyond a doubt that groups of people meditating in an area can reduce the crime rate. Manifesting a culture which is an expression of the positive, life-oriented aspects of our underlying spiritual reality requires people to be willing to put the time and effort into understanding themselves and others.  It requires compassion and patience when facing difficult interpersonal situations.  It requires tolerance of different practices and worldviews as long as those practices and worldviews are not inherently harmful to others.  It requires people to have a rock-solid commitment to the well-being of others as well as one’s own.   

Right now we are living in a world in which far too many are suffering under the pestilence of a culture of fear, avarice, intolerance.  Many are reaping the bitter fruits of devoting time and energy into fear, hating and war. Many are reaping the bleak fruits resulting from the personal or cultural allotment of large amounts of human and material resources for the building and acquisition of weapons of destruction.  The more energy, time and resources we pour into these things the more we see war and destruction proliferating around the world.  After all the teachings, the warnings we have had through the ages from saints and prophets about reaping what we sow, this sorry reality should come as no surprise. 

I would rhetorically ask what we should do about it, but the answer is obvious:  we need to start consistently sowing the words and actions which are exactly those which we genuinely would like to have returning to us and our loved ones.  That’s all. 

In the U.S.A. and around the world people are enduring a most grievous wrong.

The United States has often been portrayed, and I believe seen by many, as being a nation of individual rights and liberties.  The Bill of Rights (1st ten amendments to the Constitution) were a pretty enlightened and bold action in the face of “Old World” authoritarian monarchies and dictatorships.  The right to freedom of speech, to bear arms, of religion, the protections of the accused in criminal investigations, these all represent a radical departure from the manipulative controls repressive authoritarian regimes routinely seek to impose.  However, as wonderful and enlightened as they are, they fall short in a critical way of addressing possibly the most universal wrong that one individual or group has historically and contemporaneously waged upon another. 

The Preamble to the Declaration of Independence evokes an essential spirit of human desire:   “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”  Allowing that the author used the word “men” to indicate all human beings, not just those of the male gender, these words evoke a sense of unity. A sense that all people should be embraced within a spirit of kinship and equality.  But again, in a very essential way everything that followed ignored a grievous wrong which some individuals and groups have been imposing upon others for centuries. A wrong that has been practiced so pervasively among people around the world, that it seems to have been accepted, or neglected, even in the enlightened thinking of the 18th century American revolutionaries. 

This is the inherent moral rightfulness of all who contribute their life’s time and energy to the sustaining and advancement of their civilization to reasonably and fairly reap of the benefits of that civilization.  This is not to say that all should benefit equally from the fruits of an endeavor, because in either quality or quantity there undoubtedly are some whose contribution weighs more heavily in the achievement of the fruits of civilization.  However, each and every individual’s most precious contribution is of their life’s time and energy.  Whether it is sweeping floors, washing dishes, planting or harvesting crops, building necessary infrastructure, working in education, providing art and/or entertainment, seeking/understanding/disseminating spiritual truth, serving within the operation of government, serving to protect lives and property, working in the sciences to further human well-being, working in industry to invent and provide needed products, working in the care of others whose young age, illness or infirmity disallows them from engaging in adequate self-care, or any of the other myriad ways individuals engage themselves in the service of community and civilization: those engaging in these works are all significantly contributing to the sustaining and advancing of well-being within their communities and of civilization itself. 

All of us, everyone of us alive on Earth today, has parents, grandparents and further ancestry who have given of their lives’ time and energies in the effort of establishing a viable human civilization here on Earth.  Further, most, if not all, of them held the hope and desire that not only themselves, but that their children and their children’s children should share in the benefits of the civilization they were contributing to.  So why, after all these centuries, after all the work, the strife, the good intentions that have gone into bringing us into our present time and place, aren’t the fruits of humankind’s combined efforts being shared more fully and fairly than they are? 

At this point in time the inequity of the distribution of wealth among humanity is extreme.  Around the world those who have sought after and grasped the reins of industry and government are showing themselves to be consumed by their egos and self-importance to the degree that they apparently hold in contempt the majority of humanity. The very same humanity responsible for the vast majority of the effort which has gone into the production of the wealth they now lay sole claim to.  It is this inequity which is the most grievous wrong which even the enlightened revolutionary thinking of 18th century America overlooked. 

Through the ages those in positions of power, governmental, industrial, even within the academic and religious establishments have imagined and devised myriad rationalizations and schemes to justify and implement their desire to acquire inordinate wealth and power.  The myth of divinely ordained royalty, the creation of religious and other stratified social systems which use fear to achieve compliance from populations. The creation of a global predatory economic system which allows a relative few to control the vast majority of the world’s wealth. Even the withholding of technological developments which would allow greater freedom and well-being to the world’s population. All of these things have contributed to the economic, if not the literal, enslavement of children and adults. These things and more are going on the world today including within the United States. 

Along with the above mentioned actions, those with the mind set to exploit whatever is exploitable are also engaged in the production of toxic products, including food products, and in the disposal of highly toxic waste in ways which are destroying vital natural resources and habitats.  Relative to the degree worldwide pollution is taking place, the world’s recycling programs, while an admirable idea, are in many places weak, if they exist at all. There is a correlation to be drawn between the intellectual/mind toxic pollution which is being generated in the world today and the physical/chemical pollution which happening simultaneously.

These things: lies, greed, exploitation, and pollution, have gone on to a greater or lesser degree for centuries.  However, in the 21st century, technology which allows for the mass dissemination of information, or misinformation, along with advances in transportation technology and weaponry, has exponentially amplified the abilities of those with the mind set and who are positioned to do so to exploit the financial systems, resources and the people of the world.  Further, to do so in ways that are homicidal in their callousness toward vast elements of humanity.

Those in power might say that they are doing nothing illegal. Which is always an easier statement to make when you control the lawmakers and the laws. The thing is, legal or illegal, does the current state of economic inequity and callousness toward human well-being represent what humanity in general wants or needs to be experiencing in the world? Now or in the future?

That’s up to us, isn’t it?  All of us.  What kind of world do we want to live in?  What kind of world do we want our children and children’s children to grow up in?  What kind of species is the human race?  One that is so lacking in intellectual ability that recognition of what is or is not conducive to our happiness and survival is beyond our ability to comprehend or act upon?  I don’t think so, I certainly hope not.  Reasonable expectations as far as a work week goes with reasonable reimbursement. A worker who works a 40 or more hr. work week does not really have a reasonable opportunity to explore and develop their life to it’s fullest. 24 hours over three days would be more in keeping with a balanced life. And for that a worker should be able to afford to live comfortably. To have the time and money for housing, food, recreational pursuits, ongoing personal development, and spiritual development. These are things a healthy, vibrant person requires to stay vital. 

However, both as individuals and as populations, we have been and are able to be manipulated.  Too many working, contributing, people are kept busy worrying about having a roof over their heads and food to eat. By design or default, we often are too distracted, too exhausted to pay adequate attention to the long-range agendas which others are putting in place around us.  Agendas which are too often aimed at serving a minority of people at the expense of many. 

We need to discipline ourselves to pay attention.  We need to ask questions about any and every program, policy, and action our governments and industries engage in.  We need to own our heritage of being descendants of the people who have with their sweat and blood, their lives’ energy built the civilizations and the wealth of the world.  And I venture that at no time were our ancestors thinking that the purpose of their life was to forget about themselves, their families, their loved ones, and simply feed the greed of a few.  So the question becomes: what do we see as our purpose?

We need to recognize in this increasingly connected world that we are one people:  the human race.  We need to take on that awareness and act upon it in all our dealings.  We need to treat each other with compassion. We need to consistently work toward health, education and enlightenment, for ourselves and all around us, within all aspects of our lives.  To do so is to own our very humanity and to work at being the enlightened architects of our future.

Why so many people binge watch TV?

(C) Alex Max, http://www.fotosearch. com

As with all life forms on planet Earth, we humans are sentient beings. Some would say we humans are at the pinnacle of sentience on this planet. I think, in reality, the jury is still out on that. However, regardless of the relative status of sentience of our species, we all, to a greater or lesser extent, want to know what’s going on around us. Of course we use our eyes and ears to acquire information from our environment. Also we use our body’s sense of touch. And some tune into and work at interpreting the energetic fluctuations and vibrations we feel within ourselves. We sense, intuit, these vibrations. Energetic fluctuations and vibrations which are set in motion by the activities, all the activities, taking place in the world.  Some are more aware of this particular aspect of our sentience than others. But we all are touched by these energetic fluctuations and vibrations and I tend to believe that on some level, maybe deep within an area of our mind which we may seldom visit, our curiosity is piqued by these activities. Further, I tend to believe that generally we are more aware of/tuned in to the energetic ripples set in motion by/and/or occurring with other humans. It would make sense because the frequencies involved would be the ones our bodies and minds are most familiar with. Frequencies we identify with. 

Of course this ambient energetic reality of ours has some messages which are broadcast more strongly than others. The building of pressure within the Earth preceding an earthquake for example. Particularly strong sunspot activity. Thunder and lightning storms, tornadoes, hurricanes. The vibrations being sent by an animal stalking us for whatever reason are ones about which we commonly might hear someone say, I sensed something, turned around, and the animal was moving closer. Or when our child or mate is distressed in the next room. I imagine most people can offer an instance or two of when they “just knew” that something was going on and they followed that feeling. 

For most of our history we as individuals have been able to have some awareness of all of the human activities taking place within our known world. However small or large that world was in our minds at the time. We held in mystery, possibly awe, possibly fear, what may be taking place in faraway, or unseen, places. We constructed yarns, myths, tales of our imaginings of what might be going on outside of the geography or the realm of our understanding. We would sit by the campfire, or fireplace, and entertain each other with these tales. Often morals or warnings would be woven into the tales, or possibly wisdom about hunting, farming or some other aspect of daily life. We took some comfort from filling in the unknown with our own imaginings. Is this just another aspect of the adage that “Nature abhors a vacuum.”?

The fact is we do sense the activities that are taking place in the world around us. We may sense them with our eyes, our ears, our emotions, and always, consciously or below the threshold of our attentive awareness, we feel the sometimes strong and sometimes subtle energetic emanations of all of the activities taking place within our world. This includes the activities taking place among people, animal life, plant life, geologic activity, cosmic activity (sunspots, the energies from the planets, our moon, radiation surges), and manmade electromagnetic activity, such as from communications technology, to name a few. Further, because we are sentient beings, we want to know what the activity which we feel is about. What is our world telling us? Possibly it can be likened somewhat to a spider rushing to see what is pulling on the thread of it’s web, our minds want to understand what forces are pushing or pulling upon our energetic bodies. 

All that being said: Today we are misled and lied to on an ongoing basis by our government along with many industries, banks and others in positions of power about what activities they are involved with. There has never been another time of such rampant deceit in all of recorded human history. Our “mainstream” media may be wholly honest and forthcoming about what went on at the local sporting event last night, however, when it comes to the activities of governments and multi-billion dollar industries we are given pablum if not carefully tailored misinformation. There are many factors which are going together to produce this unfortunate reality. Not the least is of which is the desire of too many occupying high positions government and industry to keep us greatly misinformed or uninformed. It seems we might become nuisances if we know too much. It’s better we continue to drink beer, obsess over sports and celebrities, continue giving up increasing amounts of our worldly wealth, and let them operate behind closed doors. The way they like it. 

So we spend our days living within, being affected by, an energetic stew made up up the resonating frequencies being put in motion by the activities taking place in the world around us and we wonder…what?…why? Where can we find some answers? 

So many turn to the medium that is throwing all manner of human interactions at us, 24/7. Through various TV series and movies we can experience an infinite variety of events, interactions, intellectual and emotional actions and reactions. Sometimes what we are experiencing via the show we are watching resonates with something real inside us. We may then feel enlightened, affirmed, strengthened. It’s like finding a piece to the puzzle. This experience, repeated hundreds of times, little by little, piece by piece can begin to lead us to feel/believe that we are acquiring a larger picture of what is taking place in the real world. Sometimes we are able to learn that the picture developing in our minds from fictional tales does reasonably accurately reflect real-world activity. And sometimes it is woefully lacking.

Such learning via sensory led association can be enjoyable, can at times be enlightening, and can sometimes truly help us feel more connected to the world around us. However, it is a rather pitiful shadow of how a well-rounded education into the reality of life on Earth for intelligent sentient beings might more ideally take place. We should be informed on an ongoing basis by those in governmental offices and agencies who are supposed to be serving the best interests of the nation. We should be taught the truth of how our financial system, medicine, industry work in the world rather than the idealized, sanitized versions so commonly presented today. We should not have to play amateur detectives all the time: painstakingly examining the pieces of reality we can find and then trying to fit them together to try to find a more holistic picture of the real world around us. Because, bottom line, we do want and need to understand our here and now. The known truths of our world should be open before us like clear water in a mountain lake. Pure, pristine and there to benefit from for the effort we put into it. Our souls would find nourishment in such a reality. We would be able make choices in our lives which result in better results within ourselves, our families, our communities. We could make choices which result in our being revitalized and renewed. From the most humble household to the global village of humanity. 

Of course, as Sigmund Freud said “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.” And not everyone is trying fervently to glean truth from the hints and resonances, planned or unplanned, taking place in the movies and television shows they watch. Sometimes it is just entertainment, or straight-forward education such as in nature shows. But there are many people in the world who are hungry for the truths being denied us by those in positions of governmental and/or industrial power. And those people are often trying to glean what may be gleaned from the scraps thrown us, the shadows, echos, and resonances of truth which occasionally show up, intentionally or unintentionally, in various television shows and movies. 

It’s time all the closed door meetings, secret reports, secret deals and “black ops” became disclosed. It’s time we, the citizens, the builders, the foundations of our communities and nation were honestly informed about the happenings, developments, inventions, and business dealings going on in our world. Only in this way can an honest, viable democracy function.

The Criminal Suppression of Free Energy Technology .

First, it is important today for any thinking, inquisitive person who is genuinely seeking truth to realize the corporate, monopolized media is a powerful tool used to support the agendas of the powerful individuals and groups who control them.  That is why it is always wise to question the information presented by that media.  Unless you have engaged in actively searching information about “free energy” or “zero point energy” devices you probably know little or nothing about them. 

Just imagine…what if devices which can be as small as a pack of cigarettes could give us usable energy just by pulling that energy from the ambient energy in the universe around us?  Because such devices are not particularly costly to manufacture, they could be relatively inexpensive and once purchased the energy they provide would be free.  They could power homes, cars, aircraft. Individual appliances could have their own small energy source.  There would be no more need for “the grid”, oil or natural gas pipelines, filling stations, recharging stations, high energy bills.  And this energy would be available anywhere on Earth from the most remote desert to the polar regions.  Imagine what this could do to improve the quality of life for humanity around the globe.  Energy for lighting, cooking, heating, cooling, any purpose you can imagine, would be immediately available, anytime, anywhere.  Energy intensive systems to reduce and eliminate industrial pollution, which now are prohibitive due to the high energy costs involved could be immediately employed because the energy costs would be almost nothing. 

Science fiction?  No, science fact.  While it is maintained by many who have insider knowledge of what is happening with technology reverse engineered from crashed extraterrestrial craft that such energy devices are possible, it isn’t necessary to go to such exotic sources to find this technology.  There are inventors, scientists, right here on Earth who have invented such devices.  Why haven’t you heard about them?

Now, consider that these inventions have been around for decades.  Not months or years, decades…even over a century.  In this next section I am going to provide a link to an article about each of three inventors who have invented free energy devices.  I am doing this rather than re-writing the material in this article. I encourage you to go to these articles and to do further research!  Just “click” on the names to access the linked article.  Nikolai Tesla (1856-1943), Floyd Sweet (1912-1995), Joseph Newman (1936-2015) all are known to have invented devices capable of accessing the ambient energy around us. In Joseph Newman’s case he was fortunate enough to attract the attention of a television news reporter out of New Orleans. Possibly due to this fortuitous meeting Newman’s device was scrutinized by many scientists from various places, including NASA. Further, many of these meetings and the statements of the investigators are recorded on film. They can be viewed in the documentary “Newman”. However, the reality of Newman’s invention wasn’t enough to get past the heavy-handed influence of the organized suppression of such devices.

Another related invention is the water powered car which was invented by Stanley Meyer (1940-1998). This technology also had implications within the search for free energy. As with Joseph Newman, Stanley Meyer’s invention was well recorded on film and did receive some major national news coverage. He was murdered in 1998. (It is also strongly suspected that Floyd Sweet was murdered.) The methods used by powerful, ruthless interests who do not want to see free energy become a reality apparently range from buying such devices and making the invention disappear to murdering the inventors. Who would want to do such a thing?

What is going on at the highest levels within the economic/industrial/political world is such a total corruption from anything having to do with the good of humanity it is all but inconceivable.  The ongoing efforts of those involved to suppress free energy technologies are responsible for unnecessary poverty, suffering and deaths. This suppression cannot be taking place without the collusion of various individuals within governmental agencies. This reality is so diabolical, so callous in it’s regard for human well being that many people may have difficulty considering it. The answer to most, if not all, of the world’s energy, ecological, food, and many of the medical problems in existence is being brutally suppressed. At this point, fortunately, they have not been successful at eliminating all references to these technologies.

In closing I want to strongly recommend that you watch the documentary “The Lost Century: And How to Reclaim It“. A film by Dr. Steven Greer, it is available on many websites including “Rumble” (linked above) and Amazon. In the documentary Dr. Greer provides considerable information, with video, on all the inventors/inventions I have mentioned in this article and more. Dr. Greer also addresses the ultimately self-defeating mentality of many of the inventors whose inventions are in the category of revolutionary energy saving or energy producing devices. This film is quite possibly one of the most important films of the past few decades.

How did the United States take such a wrong turn?

As the song says, “War, huh, good God, y’all, what is it good for?” Something war most certainly is, is the violent introduction of some, if not all, of humankind’s most ill-conceived, lowest frequency, motivations into the spiritual/physical realm of our planet. Into our communities, into our lives.

The act of war, or acts of violence on an interpersonal level, without exception result in vibrations of dissonance reverberating within our energetic/spiritual environment. The traumas which war produces can, and too often do, resonate within generations becoming a self-perpetuating source of hatred and violence. The result is traumatized people blindly acting out of impulse to perpetuate more trauma and on and on.

How different our world would be if following the Second World War the United States had decided to “be the change we (the vast majority of people on Earth) want to see in the world.” How different the world would be if the United States had decided to model what an evolved, educated, caring nation could be instead of deciding to try to accomplish global domination via military might. How did a nation so blessed as the United States in the period after the Second World War take such a wrong turn? It isn’t what the people wanted. In 1960 we voted for a man who promised to take the path of an evolved, educated, caring nation. The early 1960’s with John F. Kennedy in the White House and Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in the pulpit, held so much promise for an enlightened future for humanity. Under Kennedy, foreign policy meant constructive cultural exchange. What we have seen foreign policy devolve into the past few decades is vicious attacks upon whatever nations aren’t getting into lockstep with the wealth/power/control aspirations of a coalition of a relative few of the world’s wealthiest and most politically powerful.

We, as a people in the United States and around the world, need to stop engaging in, or supporting, the madness of materialism, imperialism, competition and profiteering that has become commonplace in our world. We are, all of us, children of the Universal Divine Creative Spirit. We are all brothers and sisters in the spirit. We are all connected by the energy/spirit that we are made up of and that we live within. Sooner or later the cruelties expressed and the suffering taking place anywhere in the world is going to touch all of us.

At our core, our needs as human beings aren’t all that different. We do have differences in appearance: skin color, hair color, eye color, height, weight, and other physical attributes. We also have differences in the way we relate to the world. Some people are more intellectual, some more physical, some more visual, some more auditory. These differences may affect one’s values, likes and dislikes. They can affect who we seek out for companionship. All of these differences together lend each of us a certain uniqueness. And thank goodness, what a drab, boring place this Earth might be if we all were in lockstep with how we view the world, our likes and dislikes.

However, at our core, we are all of the same ilk. In order to be healthy, we all need clean air, clean water, nutritious food, shelter from extreme weather conditions. We all need to have other people we socialize with, share our thoughts and feelings with. We all need to love and to be loved. While we all may enjoy periods of isolation, some may say they don’t need socialization or love at all. However, that condition, if it exists at all, is rare. Abraham Maslow recognized these shared needs among people and produced his “Hierarchy of Needs” to help us all understand them, and ourselves.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Our natural way of relating to one another is copacetically. Babies and young children don’t want war. They know instinctively that it is not good for them. It’s only after we become acculturated into competition, envy, jealousy, greed, hate, essentially all the things that trauma and deprivation (also a form of trauma) nurture in the world that we as adults begin to imagine that there is gain in violence and war. When we know love, belonging, we don’t want to throw that away to go kill someone, somewhere, in order to try to achieve some ill-begotten, grandiose plan. Or more ridiculously to devote our lives to support someone else’s ill-begotten, grandiose plan.

We cannot fully develop as human beings when the higher functioning capabilities of our brains are diminished due to trauma. Do we want to keep living in a manner more suited to the beasts of the field while we live in a universe of unlimited possibilities? If so, all we need to do is build and sustain a culture of competition rather than cooperation. To keep on warring instead of working together. To keep on destroying each other rather than honoring the innate kinship of all of humanity, of all life.

It is when people are mistreated, traumatized, deprived, destitute, suffering, and/or deluded that fear, greed, callousness, and myriad other negative thoughts/feelings/and motivations arise. Competition as cultural norm breeds these all of these things and more. Within a framework of a few basic laws, within a culture of people who are thinking in terms of mutuality, trust, fairness, and compassion, the wondrous possibilities of this world are endless.

With all the publicity child trafficking has received the past few decades, how does it continue to be as prevalent as it is in the world today?

I recently went to see the movie “The Sound of Freedom”. In spite of the fact that some of the harshest, most obscene atrocities taking place with trafficked children today are not portrayed in the movie, it is still a gritty, hard-hitting portrayal of one of the most heinous activities taking place in the world today. The movie is presented as being a plea to the world to gear up and stop this horrifying international criminal enterprise. In the movie, and in real life, Tim Ballard showed the world what can be done with a few dedicated law enforcement officers and even a little official support.

I did a search on “documentaries about human trafficking”. I turned up over 400 done in 2023 alone. Child/human trafficking has been around for at least the past few millennia if not longer. Books and documentaries about human trafficking and the atrocities committed by those engaged in it have been being written and produced for the past few decades. Longer if only looking at the books written. The knowledge that human trafficking, including child trafficking, has been going on for a long time and involves horrendously abusive criminal behavior has been around for a long time. U.S. Presidents, heads of the F.B.I., C.I.A., the U.S. Department of Justice, and U.S. Attorney Generals have undoubtedly been aware of it, and how heinous it is, for decades. The head of Homeland Security and Countless Chief’s of Police are undoubtedly aware it’s going on. So why is it still a booming business here in the U.S.?

Please bear with me here…

Back in the 1980’s, when the War on Drugs was relatively new and often portrayed in dramatic, if not glamorous ways, the cocaine trafficking taking place in southern Florida was frequently headline news. “Miami Vice”, which was one of the top T.V. shows at that time, focused mainly on cocaine trafficking taking place in southern Florida. Radio news reports on the trafficking were also common. One day I happened to be listening to a radio news show broadcast out of Spokane, WA, and a report was aired about a Federal Agent, I apologize that I can’t recall if the Agent was in the D.E.A. or the F.B.I. or his name, who had attempted to unravel the sometimes complex money trails resulting from cocaine trafficking. The Agent being interviewed claimed that he had been successful. Yet it seemed he was incredulous, if not dismayed. He stated that after successfully tracking the big money flowing out of south Florida he found that, paraphrasing his statement: “When it reached it’s final destination, whether it was legally gotten money or illegally gotten money, really big money always went to the same overseas bank accounts, the same people”. Considering how we have been seeing the monopolization of major industries increasing over the past few decades, is the Agent’s statement really all that unthinkable, or even surprising?

Maybe you’re asking what does cocaine trafficking in the 1980’s have to do with human trafficking in the 21st century? You may already know or have figured it out. However, I’m going to connect a few more dots.

In 1995 Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips published a book entitled “Trance Formation of America”. In it Cathy O’Brien makes allegations, in varying degrees of detail, about the abuses she endured as a subject/victim of the MK Ultra mind-control program in the U.S. When I say varying degrees of detail I need to add that quite often the details are very specific and she names names. Some of those named in the book as perpetrators of mental, physical and/or sexual abuse include: Gerald Ford, Pierre Trudeau, George H.W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Hillary Clinton, Vincente Fox, Kris Kristofferson, Jimmy Buffett, and others. She further alleges that some of the abuse which she is quite explicit about took place in the White House.

These are what some might call “just allegations”. While this is true that at this time they must be regarded as allegations, it is also true that while she is very specific in many (most?) cases about what took place and who the alleged perpetrator(s) were, those named have not publicly denied any of the allegations nor has the book been challenged, sued in a court of law, or forced out of publication. This regardless of the fact that many, if not most, of the persons named have attorneys readily available. When the book was published some who are alleged as perpetrators might even have been able to direct the Department of Justice to see that the book was quashed. That evidently didn’t happen. Why? If you were a public figure and someone published some of the most heinous allegations possible against you including that you participated in torture and murder, and, assuming that they were false allegations, given that you have good attorneys at hand who can get such allegations shut down very quickly wouldn’t you do so? In addition Ms. O’Brien alleges that her experiences included her involuntary involvement in the illegal trafficking of drugs which many of these people were engaged in. Ms. O’Brien is not the only person who has written a book about personal experiences as a subject/victim within the MK Ultra program.

Other allegations of the involvement of persons in high political office in drug and human trafficking come from the late Ted Gunderson. At one time Mr. Gunderson was the head of the Los Angeles F.B.I. Office. Mr. Gunderson’s exposure to the more covert aspects of drug and human trafficking reportedly didn’t occur until he had retired from the F.B.I. and gone into private investigating. In the area of illegal drug trafficking Mr. Gunderson’s investigation resulted in him making statements which amount to allegations that Bill and Hillary Clinton were heavily involved. At some point Mr. Gunderson became particularly interested in the numbers of missing children in the U.S. and did some in depth investigating. He reported discovering the involvement of high ranking political personages in the transportation and abuse of abducted children. Mr. Gunderson made several videos about his work and findings which, the last time I checked, are still available online.

Almost everyone in the U.S. is aware of the Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislane Maxwell pedophile network and the reported involvement of many high ranking political personages, captains of industry, and well-known personalities from the entertainment business. It must be stated that having flown on Epstein’s plane does not constitute a de-facto allegation that person was involved in child abuse or rape. However, it does potentially open one up to being investigated for such activity.

So why haven’t Ms. O’Brien’s and Ted Gunderson’s allegations been thoroughly and objectively investigated? Why haven’t any of the people Ms. O’Brien named moved within the court system to erase her book from the face of the Earth? Could it be the last thing they want is a day in court? In all of these allegations the honesty and integrity of at least a few Secret Service Agents is also called into question. Ted Gunderson made some allegations in this regard about some of the deaths of Agents which occurred at the siege in Waco, Texas at the Branch Davidian compound.

Which brings us back to the question of how, with all the tools and manpower law enforcement agencies worldwide possess, does this international atrocity of millions of abducted, raped, beaten, tortured and sometimes murdered children continue as an ongoing reality? For an answer to this question we find a major clue in Franklin D. Roosevelt’s statement: “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it does, you can bet it was planned that way.” With this last sentence I imagine I have either lost or am in the process of losing a few readers. To suggest that brutal child abductions continue to take place in the world because some leaders of nations, captains of banking and industry, some of the wealthiest and most politically powerful men and women on the planet want it to continue, is going to be a concept some, possibly many, people just do not want to, or are unable, to consider. Yet it is the only logical explanation which takes in all the factors necessary to encompass the vast level of child abductions and trafficking which is taking place.

In the media what we are conditioned to expect is that the people who engage in drug trafficking and human trafficking are of the fringe element of society. Occasionally some rogue, apparently “upstanding” citizen may be involved, but, in the movies and TV shows anyway, those cases are presented as rare and the men and women of law enforcement will inevitably root them out. Even in the movie “The Sound of Freedom”, we see Tim Ballard exclusively spending his energies investigating in and among the more sordid and disreputable people and places. Even with that condition being met, the movie had a hard time finding it’s way into theaters. Imagine what problems it would have faced if it had implicated the rich and powerful who inhabit the halls of power? I doubt very much it would have ever seen the light of day. Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips have stated they needed to self-publish their book “Trance Formation of America” because they realized that if they sold it to an established publishing house it would never have been published.

Of course not all the men and women working in all the various elected positions, governmental offices, law enforcement, and the media are corrupt. However, the current reality around child trafficking suggests, if not demands, that some in key positions with the power to decide what large scale investigations take place, who they investigate and to what lengths, are entirely complicit in the ongoing international child trafficking. Maybe they are directly involved, maybe they are taking money from those who are, or maybe their boss does and they are just “following orders”, but in the end the result is the kidnapping, selling, rape and torture of millions of children a year continues.

If we as a species continue to allow the very worst crimes against humanity to continue because it offends our sensibilities and deeply held beliefs to even look at what is taking place, then aren’t we all a part of the problem?

I have no doubt that Tim Ballard is not the only Federal law enforcement agent to have a conscience and who actually cares about the people we expect law enforcement to be involved in the protection of. I imagine there are many. However, if their “superiors” insist on keeping them shackled and blinded, unable to pursue the leads that would take them to the top profiteers, the true forces behind child trafficking in the world today, can we expect the problem will be addressed? No, we can’t. The same principle applies to many, if not all, of the most profitable international criminal enterprises in the world today.

This post is not intended to be a glaring indictment of the people and/or classes of people mentioned in it. I, as a private citizen, could not even begin to compile the evidence it would require to support that. What I do hope is that in reading this your curiosity is piqued and you will be more receptive when news reports and/or articles appear before you which add to the growing body of evidence, circumstantial or without supporting physical evidence as they may be. We have to remember any rich and powerful personages who inhabit the halls of power, who are engaged in or complicit in human trafficking, are not idiots. I’m sure they can figure out how to cover their tracks fairly well. The U.S. Office of Justice Programs estimates between 300,000 and 400,000 children are trafficked across international borders each year. That is substantially more children than there are people of all ages in the population of Spokane, Washington. A city of children are being trafficked each year. How? How can all the national police forces, the intelligence services, the various immigration and customs services be so blind, so incapable as to allow this to go on? The organization ERASE Child Trafficking and the United Nations (UN) both seem to concur that only 1 or 2% of these victims are ever rescued.

Are we cursed in this world with an international body of highly incompetent law enforcement officers? Or are some in positions capable of steering such investigations down dead-end avenues doing just that? Making sure the cash flow from this lucrative, atrocity filled business continues to line the pockets of the “right people”?

The Congressional Hearings on UAP are fraught with the same worn-out denials and obfuscations which sincere investigators into these phenomena have faced for decades.

We need to stop giving equal time to the “flat earthers” of Ufology.  The “flat earthers” are those who directly or indirectly attempt to negate all the evidence which has been brought forward by hundreds of conscientious men and women over the past few decades.  Sometimes this negation is expressed by feigning a genuine, healthy interest in the subject and then repeating the worn-out, nihilistic mantra: “Wouldn’t it be great if we had evidence.”

Is it just me reaching this conclusion at this time? I’ve been interested in our beautiful night sky, space, UFO’s (UAP or whatever name is currently in vogue) for decades. I’ve read books and articles, watched videos and documentaries, listened to authoritative people describe their first-hand experiences with alien technology and, in a smaller number of cases, with extraterrestrial beings. A lot of the first-hand accounts come from ex-military personnel who have had distinguished careers. There are the many brave whistleblowers who risk much professionally and personally to come forward with their first-person accounts. Additionally, there are so very many people from all over the world who don’t and have never worked in a profession which would particularly lend them to encountering extraterrestrial craft or beings, yet they have. And again, taking personal and/or professional risks, they speak out.

Why?  I believe it is significantly due to an underlying realization that it matters. Having a reality-based understanding of the world we live in matters. Knowing where our tax dollars are spent matters. As the de facto financiers of so much of the effort that has gone into the investigation of the extraterrestrial phenomena, we deserve to know what our money is being spent on. Which evidently includes the acquisition of extraterrestrial technology and the subsequent research and development which has taken place. Humanity should, by all rights, be able to reap any and all benefits from this technology which stands to improve the quality of lives around the world.  Benefits which, from all reports, will improve our efforts toward a cleaner and healthier environment.

Yes, there are some people who for whatever reason offer up untrue, fabricated information or intentional misinformation. But as with any new field of natural science, with repeated exposure to the samples coming in from the field, one increases in ability to discern a fabrication from an authentic article. That being said, this task is becoming more difficult with the deployment of human built and operated gravity drive vehicles and the technological advances in the ability to create convincing illusions.  It is our great misfortune that there are unscrupulous people who already have and as long as they can continue to engage in employing such technology in their efforts to confuse the public and obfuscate reality will do so. This becomes an even more grievous assault on the citizenry when we consider that we the citizenry have footed the bill for much, if not all, of this technology. However, overcoming such heinous efforts at confusing and disorienting our understanding of the world we live in is not an insurmountable task.  A lot of people are working to counter such despicable actions with their continued efforts toward sharing the genuine knowledge that is available.  I want to add that as a mental health professional I find the efforts at confusing people about our reality to be as heinous and as dangerous an assault on our minds as is the assault upon our bodies by those who persist in polluting our environment and the products we consume.

Thankfully there are many people with a genuine, healthy interest in “UAP” who have spent countless hours pursuing this area of study.  To you who are also on this path who haven’t experienced this already, I can state with assurance that there comes a point in which the accumulated knowledge which has been brought to light by all the aforementioned contributors moves a person from curiosity to certainty. There is such an abundance of evidence, ranging from the credible to the undeniable, that for any person who wants to represent themself as a serious student of this field of knowledge, much less represent themself as an expert in the field, to engage in overlooking, or in any way stating or insinuating that such evidence does not exist reveals themself as a charlatan or worse: someone who is intentionally working to undermine the perceptions and credibility of a great many intelligent, astute, honorable people.

Just as we have stopped lending an iota of credibility to “flat earthers”, it’s time we stopped lending an iota credibility to those whose presentations directly or indirectly, intentionally or unintentionally, serve to downplay, obfuscate, or deny the realities which conscientious people have brought forward. We need to be aware that sometimes the obfuscations and denials are done by someone pretending to be an “expert” who presents how wonderful it would be if we only knew for sure that intelligent life existed in other places in the universe. Such a presentation is a de facto refutation of the accumulated knowledge and evidence that has come forward over decades. Knowledge and evidence that authoritatively speaks to the reality that contact has taken place between extraterrestrial beings and people from Earth.

Lastly, much more is known about extraterrestrial life and human contact by those involved with and jealously guarding the “black” programs.  This includes the knowledge that some highly advanced technology (relative to what is in general use) has been gained and is being employed in a covert manner.  This will continue with the technological imbalance between covert technology and what is widely known increasing. This dual reality which has been created constitutes the very reality of a relative handful of men and women acquiring the very “unwarranted influence” which President Eisenhower warned us of in his farewell address.  “We the People” need to wake up to this reality, step out of the darkness and denial, and demand full disclosure of, and inclusion in the management of, the knowledge and technologies which have been and are being acquired from contact with extraterrestrial beings.  For the sake of humanity.

Lies, Profits, and Protecting the Integrity of Our Place in the World

During my lifetime I have witnessed the people of the U.S. and the world be lied to frequently via “mainstream” media. Lied to by individuals and groups who occupy the positions of Governmental and industrial power. Some of the events which stand out in this regard are:

The JFK assassination.

The Gulf of Tonkin attack.

The Oklahoma City Bombing.

The events of Sept. 11, 2001.

Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

The origins of the COVID virus.

The safety and efficacy of the mRNA vaccines.

In all cases the stories put forward, the lies, have served clearly served the agendas of a minority of people within the military/industrial/governmental complex. All of the lies have served to increase fear, division and often hatred within the general population of the U.S. Some of the lies have promoted hatred toward the people of other countries. In at least three cases, the lies have been used to promote military action, war, against the people of other countries. All of the lies serve to demonstrate to any and all who are paying attention, that those occupying key seats of governmental/military and industrial power and influence in the U.S. are not interested in the wellbeing of the general population of the U.S. Nor are they interested in the genuine wellbeing of the people in any other country. They have their own, narrow, self-serving agendas and will lie to further them. Their lies have resulted in the suffering, maiming, and deaths of multitudes of men, women and children in other countries along with the lives of Americans.

It is the responsibility of all citizens who want to see our nation, we as a people, regain a positive, healthful quality of life to wise up to these calculated manipulations of our hearts and minds. Read, watch, listen, learn, think through, and always follow the money. With the desire and the effort to do so, we can become invulnerable to such manipulations. When being asked to hate or kill, or to be ready to die for some agenda or cause being promoted by those in political power and parroted by the “mainstream” media, ask yourself four things:

1. Are the reasons being given to promote a war real or is there evidence to reasonably believe that the reasons/events which are the basis for the call to war are being manipulated or even created by those putting forward the call to war?

2. Is it really in the best interest of myself, my family, my community to follow the direction being put forward? Why, or why not? (Or does it seem to primarily serve some other peoples’ agenda of acquisition of wealth and power?)

3. If there is a real, immediate, compelling problem, is there a better solution to the problem than that of violence, death and destruction?

Healing the world, saving the world, call it what you will Jeremy Griffith presents a summation of the work of scientists, religions, poets, and others that rings true.

Image (c) AlexMax

This post is dedicated to facilitating people viewing the one hour six minute video of Jeremy Griffith’s abstract of this summation. It is filled with research, reason, love and optimism. Coming from the primary perspective of biology, it explains much about our present and historical human condition. Further, this explanation serves to free humankind from deeply embedded, internalized conflicts and self-condemnation.

I truly hope you will take the time to view this video and tell others about it. This is genuinely information the world needs to have.

Jeremy Griffith, the interview.